Untitled, 2019
Gouache, spray paint, and house paint on panel
48 x 48 inches
Untitled, 2019
Acrylic and spray paint on panels
61.5 x 82.7 inches
Untitled, 2019
Acrylic pen and spray paint on wood panel
94.5 x 94.5 inches
Untitled, 2019
Spray paint and pencil on paper
14 x 11.5 (11 x 8.5) inches
Untitled, 2019
Spray paint and pencil on paper
14 x 11.5 (11 x 8.5) inches
Untitled, 2019
Spray paint and pencil on paper
14 x 11.5 (11 x 8.5) inches
Untitled, 2019
Pencil, spray paint and house paint on wood panel
48 x 48 inches
Untitled, 2019
Pencil, spray paint on paper
11 x 15 inches
Untitled, 2017
Mixed media
60 x 60 inches
Untitled, 2017
Spray paint, latex paint, pencil and crayon on wood
60 x 60 inches
Untitled, 2017
Spray paint, latex paint, pencil and crayon on wood
60 x 60 inches
Untitled, 2017
Colored pencil and spray paint on construction paper
9 x 12 inches
Untitled, 2017
Colored pencil and spray paint on construction paper
9 x 12 inches
Untitled, 2016
Mixed media on panel
48 x 48 inches
Untitled, 2015
Spray and acrylic paint on wood panel
48 x 60 inches
Untitled, 2015
Spray and latex paint on wood panel
29 x 41.25 inches
Installation View at Jack Hanley Gallery, 2015
Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2015
Colored pencil and spray and latex paint on wood panel
96 x 96 inches (two panels; 48 x 96 each)
Untitled, 2015
Colored pencil and latex paint on wood panel
48 x 58 inches
Untitled, 2014
Graphite on panel
18 x 11.5 inches
Installation View of Facebook Headquarters, Menlo Park, CA 2014
Untitled, 2009
Crayon, latex paint and gouache on found wood
15.25 x 16.5 inches
Alicia McCarthySEPTEMBER 17 - OCTOBER 16, 2021
Alicia McCarthyAlicia McCarthyDECEMBER 19, 2019 - JANUARY 26, 2020
Alicia McCarthyFallNOVEMBER 16 - DECEMBER 23, 2017
Alicia McCarthySEPTEMBER 10 - OCTOBER 11, 2015
Alicia McCarthyMAY 8 - JUNE 9, 2013
San Francisco Group ShowTauba Auerbach, Carter, Ajit Chauhan, Chris Johanson, Ed Lofts, Alicia McCarthy, Shaun Odell, Leslie Shows, Kal SpelletichAPRIL 3 – 28, 2010