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Alicia McCarthy

September 6 - October 5, 2024

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

red weave

Untitled, 2023
House paint, acrylic pen and spray paint on wood panel
84 x 84 inches

graphite weave drawing

Untitled, 2024

Graphite on paper

18.5 x 16.75 inches

weave painting

Untitled, 2022
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas

80 x 100 inches

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

rainbow on black paper

Untitled, 2024
Colored pencil and acrylic on paper

15.5 x 18 inches

red rainbow

Untitled, 2024
Colored pencil, spray paint, and acrylic on paper

15 x 18 inches

rainbow on black paper

Untitled, 2024
Colored pencil and acrylic on paper

15.5 x 18 inches

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

weave painting side

Untitled, 2022
Latex and flashe on wood panel

48 x 48 inches

weave painting

Untitled, 2022
Latex and flashe on wood panel

48 x 48 inches

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

Alicia McCarthy, Installation View

rainbow on red painting

Untitled, 2024
Gouache, spray paint, and house paint on wood panel
24 x 24 inches

rainbow on white painting

Untitled, 2024
Gouache, spray paint, and house paint on wood panel
24 x 24 inches

rainbow on green painting

Untitled, 2024
Gouache, spray paint, and house paint on wood panel
24 x 24 inches

Rainbow on black painting

Untitled, 2024
Gouache, spray paint, and house paint on wood panel
24 x 24 inches

Jack Hanley Gallery is pleased to announce Alicia McCarthy’s tenth solo exhibition with the gallery. The exhibition will feature McCarthy’s latest paintings, characterized by her unique visual language of twisted knots, intertwined arcs, and hourglass shapes in streams of color.

McCarthy’s abstract compositions are imbued with energy and merge intricate tapestry-like patterns with raw painterly gestures, luring viewers into a labyrinth of lines. Her distinctive handmade quality is evident by her frequent use of found wood surfaces and through various media, including pencil, soft pastel, Flashe paint, latex, and spray paint.

The surfaces of her works reveal their history through remnants of paint drips, pencil marks, splashes, smears, and spray paint traces, embodying an immediate, intimate connection between the artist and her practice. Her approach balances chance with control, order with chaos, and a confident embrace of imperfection.

Alicia McCarthy (b. 1969) lives and works in Oakland, CA. She received a BFA from San Francisco Art Institute in 1994 and an MFA from the University of California at Berkeley in 2007. McCarthy has widely exhibited across America and internationally, including solo exhibitions at the Wexner Center for the Arts, OH, at SFMoMA as part of the SECA Award show and the Berkeley Art Museum. McCarthy has received numerous accolades and residencies, most notably from Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Maine, Headland Arts Center and New Langton Art, San Francisco. Public collections with works by the artist include: MIMA the Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art in Brussels, American Academy of Arts & Letters in New York City, Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park, CA and Oakland Museum of California.